
About TheBookTrailer.org

Who We Are

Firstly, you’ve landed at TheBookTrailer.org. This unique platform actively connects readers with the fascinating universe of Young Adult (YA) adaptations. In essence, we serve as a comprehensive hub for all aspects of YA book-to-screen transformations.

Our Mission

Primarily, our goal as a young adult media resource is to engage fans and support educators. To achieve this, TheBookTrailer.org is maintained by an industry professional. Consequently, the site serves as an engaging, cost-effective teaching tool specially tailored for digitally savvy young adults.

A Look at Our History

Initially conceived in 2013 as an MLS capstone research project at Queens College, the site was the brainchild of Joanna Schreck and Elizabeth Paldino. Their research spotlighted the potential of leveraging movie-marketing materials to captivate YA readers. In 2017, Joanna took the initiative to breathe new life into the concept, launching a redesigned and functioning site.

Beyond Trailers

Once you dive into TheBookTrailer.org, you’ll unearth a wealth of video trailers for TV shows and movies stemming from YA books. But that’s just the beginning! Furthermore, we spotlight authors, offer in-depth book descriptions, and furnish additional links for further exploration, thereby catering to fans and educators alike.

Making a Difference: Your Contributions

Donations are more than just welcome; they’re crucial. Each contribution directly supports the ongoing maintenance of this platform, covering everything from domain renewal to hosting costs.

Founder Joanna Schreck Headshot

Founder: Joanna Schreck

With a background in Library Science from Queens College and a focus on Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Joanna brings a multidisciplinary approach to TheBookTrailer.org. Her varied experiences include:

  • Data Strategy & Infrastructure: Specializing in library science and business intelligence, Joanna’s data strategy day job keeps her passionate about technology being used as a young adult media resource.
  • Book Reviewing: As a reviewer of young adult and children’s books for industry publications, Joanna has a keen understanding of the genres featured on the site.
  • Volunteering: An active volunteer in the arts, Joanna believes in the power of storytelling across different mediums. Volunteering activities have included sitting on boards, recording
  • Writer & Narrator: Joanna actively authors, publishes, and records audiobooks to reach a diverse audience.

Connect with Joanna on LinkedIn or contact her here: admin@thebooktrailer.org | Contact Form

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