The Midnight Club (2022 – )

The Midnight Club (2022 – )

February 1994

The Midnight Club by Christopher Pike

October 2022 – current

“The Midnight Club” (TV series adaptation)

The Midnight Club

by Christopher Pike

Nobody knows the underbelly of the city like New York cop John Stefanovitch. He’s out to get Alexandre St-Germain, the most powerful member of the Midnight Club — a secret international society of ruthless crime czars, all of whom are ‘respectable’ businessmen.

And Stef’s the ideal man for the job — until he’s levelled by a blast from St-Germain’s shotgun and left for dead. Now, Stef is back, wheelchair-bound, yet sworn to destroy St-Germain.

With the help of a beautiful journalist and a Harlem cop, Stef is determined to crack the Midnight Club. And he’s up against odds that are as unknown as they are deadly!

Don’t stop at the preview— dive deeper! Get your copy today. Curious about more from this author? Take a look at the author’s full catalog on Goodreads. Additionally, you can visit IMDb. There, you’ll find the cast and streaming options.

Sources: Book purchase link & image are courtesy Amazon | Adaptation trailer is courtesy YouTube | YA Book & author information is courtesy Goodreads | Adaptation details are courtesy IMDB

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